Reopening of the theatres in 1594, Shakespeare associated with Lord Chamberlain's company, who was the queens cousin. Christopher Marlowe was assassinated, Robert Greene and Thomas Nashe died as consequence of a desease, George Peele was ill, Thomas Lodge and Jhon Lyly stoped writting and George Chapman moved to another company. It was a great opportunity for Shakespeare and in two years time he wrotte lots of amazing plays which the public loved.
In 1596 Shakespeare's son died in an accident. In this time there was a great political and social change. This change concerned in the theatres, too. One day the shakespeare's company were arrested by the police during one performance. When they went out, the politicians only allowed the kids performance and for this reason, Shakespeare decided to write a performance called Henry IV which was joking with love, dignity, respect...Later, Shakespeare wrote more performance. They were about happiness, love's reflections...
In 1597 the Shakespeare's company had to go out the theatre where they worked and they built The Globe with illegaly wood that they stole in the old theatre. The Globe was a cut-price and fortuitous construction. The first performance that they did was Henry V. Shakespeare wasn't allowed to do more historical performance but after this they wrote Julius Caesar.
The Shakespeare's company represented Hamlet in front of the queen. For this time Shakespeare began to write stories without clarity.
The Queen Elisabeth died in 1603. The new king decided to appointed the Shakeaspeare's company, his own company but Shakespeare didn't like the idea and left it. King Lear and Othello were performance that Shakespeare wrote in this time.
The last years, Shakespeare wrote The Tempest and later, he retired. He began to live with his family in the biggest house inside a village.